Thursday, November 8, 2012

Connecting with children

Please read the comment - that is where the blog entry is.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about not finishing this blog. Every time I write the Internet goes out but erases everything. I have been amazed at how hungry children, as well as adults,want to come up to meet us. The excitement on their faces and their eagerness to touch is incredible. While at the blind school, I had the opportunity to follow the girls to their hostel, the home at the school. These children live in conditions so unlike anything we r accustomed to. They r only a few rooms in the hostel where they live. Sleeping cots are shared as well as 2 bathrooms. There are no couches, chairs or things like we have. Incredibly, these children seem happy. I noticed how they each watch out but help each other. When I started taking pictures, they were eager to participate. The joy on their faces when I showed them the pictures was priceless. The adults , as well as the girls, wanted to be blessed before I left. I struggled with feelings of inadequacy. As I think back, I realize that we r all called to be God's disciples and so I am glad that I could pray with and for them. I am so grateful to have had this wonderful opportunity to connect with these children.
